The virtual space is now flooded with people labeling themselves with the hashtag #speaksabout and #keynotespeaker. Everybody is an expert seeking to share views, experience, expertise, even if these don’t amount to much. There are a plethora of books out there teaching you the secrets to becoming a “Highly Paid Expert” (actual title of one…
Category: Views
In defense of a Scale Up Portugal program
Opinion published (in Portuguese) on the national newspaper Diário de Notícias where I defend the need for a scale up strategy for Portuga. A consistent, bi-partisan effort to support entrepreneurship is steadily resulting in an abundance of start ups; now we need to help them go global: Venha daí uma estratégia de ‘Scale up’ para…
In defense of Molecular Diagnostics innovation and manufacture as a relevant sector for Portugal
Opinion published (in Portuguese) on the national newspaper Diário de Notícias where I defend the need that the discovery and manufacture of innovative Molecular Diagnostics (In Vitro Diagnostics Medical Devices) should be a priority for academia, Government and Investors, considering the current landscape of R&D and Investment capability. I believe that focusing on this sector…
Who will lead the adoption of an IoT/Robotic/AI medicine?
I have had this conversation over and over again, so I decided to lay out some arguments here. I am convinced that we are on the brink of a major change in the way medicine is practiced for two reasons. The first, which I will leave for another occasion is the empowerment of the individual…
The future of education of health professionals – 1
health schools need to get their act together quickly and focus on training for the PRESENT of nutrition science, and not for its past.
New drugs for biodefense with bioinformatics
Years ago I supervised a research project on genome reduction in bacteria, in obligate intracellular parasites and endosymbionts. We (myself, André Mendonça and Renato Alves), after an extensive exercise in genome data analysis and genome evolution modelling, realised that environmental predictability was a major force driving genome reduction. To this day, this is probably the…
Genealogia “tech”: recursos digitais e ideias de negócio
Muitos saberão que eu tenho o vício da genealogia. Para os que pública ou discretamente o partilham, deixo uma informação útil. Os 12 volumes da obra Portugal Antigo e Moderno – de Pinho Leal foram digitalizado pela Universidade de Toronto. Também o Portugal Sacro -Profano, de Paulo Dias de Niza foi digitalizado. Estes são catálogos…
A genómica dos tumores sólidos e o papel da biópsia tissular e líquida
A GENÓMICA DOS TUMORES SÓLIDOS E O PAPEL DA BIÓPSIA TISSULAR E LÍQUIDA O cancro é considerado uma doença genómica, em que alterações no ADN do tumor geram uma multiplicação descontrolada das células. Este comportamento invasivo origina a metastização e a resistência a fármacos tornando a terapêutica ineficaz…
Speaker: Investment & Innovation potential in Life Sci.
On Nov 16th, 2017 I gave a talk at the I annual meeting of the Associação de Consultores de Investimento e Inovação de Portugal about the Potential for Investment and Innovation of the Life Sciences. I discussed changing trends in Biomedical sciences and the health sector, and the opportunities arising. I also discussed the Portuguese…
Diário de Notícias interview
An article at the national Diário de Notícias about liquid Biopsies in 2017 discussing Liquid Biopsies. The Journalist “forgot” to mention Ophiomics – Precision Medicine, where we have been performing liquid biopsies for years now, within a clinical context, supporting medical decision-making in advanced cancers.